Most appropriately it was brought to my attention that a piece of information I shared was a fake of some sort. I was also reminded of my responsibility when it comes to passing on uninvestigated (now a word :) information and I totally agreed. It was a good call because it made me take the time to investigate and I came to the conclusion that incidents like this actually give us the opportunity to look at what it really meant to colonize a nation of people.
Now that I've done a little exploring I'd like to reload the image that I shared since I now believe that it does not change my reason for sharing in the first place. It was my intention that we concentrate on education; we need to take a look at the colonizers and their various missions in relation to the country or countries they represented and we need to understand the different perspectives.
I do believe that they were "well intentioned" individuals throughout these historical events, but the question still stands for some of us. This question comes up time and time again with various groups and their invasions and their reasons for those invasions; missionaries were well intentioned and wrecked havoc on millions of people. "Education" has been a tool of the colonizers and the well intentioned to "change" minds and "develop" thinking that some feel have led to the various questions that present themselves in places like Guyana.
I say again that all of these histories must be a part of Guyana's discussion today; they need to be understood in a way that gives the youth the chance to understand how things came to be. Below is the piece I shared earlier. Below the pieces are some sites that mention Macaulay. The site at the top is the more scholarly site.
Below is a wikipedia site, but we know that it is not necessarily a site that is seen as objective; I heard that anyone add to the information.
I found this site that seems to give a more about the man. The author below accuses his colleague of passing on information (the piece above) that is out of context and one that paints the good man in a bad light. I think he even says that the particular quote is not real. Interesting to me was a comment by the reader of his publication who said whatever the issue... what do they do now? And that's the question being asked in so many places caught in similar circumstances. In present circumstances one can say that "globalization" in presenting similar challenges. I'm sure there is more out there, but these sites give you an understanding of what it means to be a "good" European in the days of taking land, oppressing people, and "civilizing" them into being better humans. It is up to us to look at the information, form opinions and decide what the future will hold for us. |
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